Ever wonder what the typical day holds for a WWE Superstar? What about a guy like John Cena, who is not only a WWE star but one of the hardest working and most traveled stars in the company?

Vanity Fair produced a video called "Everything John Cena Does in a Day" where he walks viewers through what it feels like to be John Cena, if only for 24 hours.

Watching the video, there is a lot to take out of this, if what Cena says is meant to be believed. For example, it might be normal that he wakes up every morning between 6 am and 7 am, but did you know that Cena moisturizes his skin every day and sleeps only a few hours a night during the week?

When it comes to his working out and eating healthy, it sounds like Cena also drinks 2-3 protein shakes per day and takes in a couple of protein bars. He also spends 45 minutes to 1 hour just warming up before his workouts and he says they are taxing enough to take a toll on his body and work up quite a funk.

Related: Undertaker vs John Cena: Why The Match Was So Short

He tries not to talk on the phone much — except to his mother and Nikki Bella — and he rarely watches tv, instead choosing to learn Mandarin and play the piano. He takes pride in doing things that workout his brain and keeps his mind sharp. Oh, and, in case you were wondering, he does sleep completely naked, which would be all well and good except that he freely admits that he'll wet the bed should he have had too much to drink.

Cena's day is full of a number of things that one might expect from a person making his way into Hollywood and working with WWE. He's often on the road, every day includes completing tasks that are required for him to conduct business, land projects and make appearances for the company that has made him a star.

There's also a pretty good chance that most of what he said in the video he said just to be funny. So take what you watched and make your own conclusions. Is this actually what a typical John Cena day looks like?