Eric Bischoff was asked who he'd cast to start up a new NWO and while he could only name two of the three founding members, the choice for leader was a shock.

Bischoff said one of the reasons the NWO worked so well was because of the cast. The timing was perfect when Scott Hall defected from WWE to WCW and was followed by Kevin Nash, ultimately adding the third man, Hulk Hogan. A different cast of characters and the faction might not have worked as well as it did, moreover becomes one of the most popular factions in wrestling history.

Bischoff did an interview with Wrestling Travel and 23 years after the NWO was a huge phenomenon, he was asked who he'd put in a new NWO if one was started up today. "Oh gosh! That's a hard one," he replied.

Bischoff said he might start the faction with someone like Dolph Ziggler. "I think he's one of the most underrated talents out there," Bischoff added. Explaining why he might go that route, he said, "He was an amateur wrestling champion and he's got great comedic skills. He can be a serious, threatening competitor or a comedic personality, and I think you need that.

As for the Kevin Nash role — the role of a heavy — Bischoff said that he'd go with Roman Reigns if he thought Reigns could embrace the role of being a heel. He wasn't sure who he'd pick for the Scott Hall and said he'd need more time to think about that one.

What That Means

There's not likely to be another NWO anytime soon, if ever. That said, it's an interesting question. There are a lot of choices but it's hard to imagine a group that could ever be as successful as the original.

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