Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson was the unfortunate victim of a head injury this week after pounding the iron in the gym.

The former WWE superstar got on Instagram to show off a nasty laceration courtesy of a fifty-pound chain. The wound did not look too worrying but required stitches and must have hurt like hell. While The Rock is no stranger to pain, hitting himself in the head with such a heavy chain is definitely something he won't want to be doing again.

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"We ain’t playin’ tiddlywinks and we ain’t reciting nursery rhymes - it’s called the #ironparadise for a reason and things get extremely intense," Johnson wrote as the caption for the video in which he actually tasted his blood.

"Threw around my 50lb chains for a drop set - I got lumped up and need stitches. Taste your blood, keep training and stitch up later - rules of the house. And I can confirm my blood tastes like Teremana, calluses and BlaMoan (black and samoan) Hot Sauce."

Tasting one's own blood isn't quite as repugnant as it sounds and we imagine The Rock has done so many times over the years.

“Often times, things get intense here in the iron paradise," he said in the video. "But we ain’t playing tiddlywinks and we ain’t reciting nursery rhymes. You get lumped up every once in a while, and things happen.”

via Instagram

It Happens

Accidents do happen in the gym and Johnson is hardly above hurting himself during a workout session. Fortunately, he wasn't hurt that badly and has been back going at it in his "Iron Paradise."

The Great One recently inducted former WWE rival Ken Shamrock into the Impact Wrestling Hall of Fame and is rumored to be set for a match at WrestleMania 37. We'll have to wait and see about that last part, however.

Next: Former WWE Star Draws Parallel Between RETRIBUTION And The Rock's Career

Source: The Rock/Instagram