The face of the WWE has come out and said what we've all been thinking for years. The WWE has turned into entertainment for kids and we just can't seem to turn away from it. John Cena recently sat down with USA Today to promote the WWE's upcoming release"The Flintstones and WWE: Stone Age Smackdown."

Cena talks about when he changed his character to cater to kids:

"I looked around and saw who was sitting in the audience and said, 'You know what, I proactively need to change," he said. "And it was for the greater good."

via Warner Home Entertainment
via Warner Home Entertainment

Cena spoke about WWE's PG environment and how the target demographic has changed, and that he understands the adult fans' frustration that story lines rarely cater to them. He says he does his best to appeal to them at times under the umbrella of a PG environment.

"I totally get it," he says. "I don't necessarily spend my time watching programs that 6-to 10-year-old kids enjoy, so I get the need for different racy comedy and story lines. But at the same time I don't want to offend anyone in our audience so I do what I do to the best of my ability."

Oh boy, what does that say about us, folks? Should we just admit that the WWE isn't for us anymore and stop forking over our money? Maybe then, the WWE would realize the importance of its adult audience, who are the paying customers in the end.